Canton’s Cape Cod Fence supports WHC-TV!

cape cod fence logo

Picture the perfect mailbox on the perfect cedar post outside your home. That’s what you can win at Take5 THIS Friday in support of community television. Better yet, your perfect mailbox on its perfect post will be installed perfectly and for free! We at WHC-TV thank Cape Cod Fence in Canton for this perfect contribution to our auction on Oct.23

Take5 tickets are selling fast. Order yours online or call WHC-TV direct.

Did you know that Take5 helps support WHC-TV, home of West Hartford’s nationally recognized community television and media center whose programs include the award-winning journalism series “Be the Media.”

If you can help as an underwriter, or wish to donate to the Take5 auction, please contact Jennifer Evans, WHC-TV executive director at Or call (860) 561-7955. We would be proud to have your support. Thank you.

For tickets, click here: